Tent Talks with Dr Stephen Backhouse

Rabbi Avi Finegold, exploring the hyphen in Judeo-Christian

Episode Summary

Sean and Chris interview Stephen and Avi Finegold about their ongoing conversation on the Hyphen podcast. Avi is a Rabbi in Montreal, and he launched the Hyphen as a way to talk with Christians about Christianity, and offer the chance to be grilled about Judaism in return! Sean and Chris ask questions about The Hyphen's origins, how Avi and Stephen approach tough questions surrounding their faith and culture, and how Jews are currently reacting to the political climate in Canada, American, and Israel.

Episode Notes

Sean and Chris interview Stephen and Avi Finegold about their ongoing conversation on the Hyphen podcast. Avi is a Rabbi in Montreal, and he launched the Hyphen as a way to talk with Christians about Christianity, and offer the chance to be grilled about Judaism in return! Sean and Chris ask questions about The Hyphen's origins, how Avi and Stephen approach tough questions surrounding their faith and culture, and how Jews are currently reacting to the political climate in Canada, American, and Israel.

You can learn more about Avi and his work with the Jewish Living Lab here, as well as listen to The Hyphen here 

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